In The News:
Syzokryli in Puerto Rico
Ukrainian Weekly, March 2012
Syzokryli Ukrainian Dance Ensemble - over the top at European Folk Festival
Brama, March 2001
A celebration of grand tradition: The Ukrainian Society shares musical heritage with BC
The Heights, January 2008
Syzokryli dancers wow audience at Eisenhower Park's Ukrainian American Night
The Ukrainian Weekly, September 2007
Ukrainian culture: feast for the senses
Bucks County Courier Times, August 2008
Ukrainian Day at Giant's Stadium features festival and sports
The Ukrainian Weekly, October 2005
Ukrainian Fest Marks Independence
Tryzub, August 2008
Fun Facts:
What famous actress performed and toured with Syzokryli in the late 80's early 90's?
What professional ballet companies have Syzokryli dancers been members of or appeared with as guests artists?
What company wanted to use a picture of Syzokryli on the face of their product?
How many Syzokryli dancer relationships turned into wedding vows?
What world famous best friend to Roma Pryma Bohachevsky made special teaching appearances throughout the years?
In 2005, what member of Syzokryli was the only Ukrainian dancer in the country to appear on the Fox show "So You Think You Can Dance?"
What band of brothers have had all four male siblings perform on stage at the same time?
Copyright © 2008-2012 Syzokryli Ukrainian Dance Ensemble. All Rights Reserved. | Credits
Partially Sponsored by the New York State Council on the Arts.